Friday, May 22, 2009

Braids Anyone?

Hola Faithfull Readers...

When we last wrote, we were in a lovely hotel in San Salvador. We took off from there on Monday to board a flight to Roatan Island via San Pedro Sula and La Ceiba. The trip went relatively well, as long as we were willing to overlook a four hour delay at San Pedro Sula and the fact that we nearly missed our connecting flight because the forgot to announce it! They partially made up for it by putting us on a direct flight to Roatan which cut flying time from 2 hours to 35 minutes!

The Island is just amazing... we got off to a slightly rocky start since our first day and a half was mostly characterized by rain, rain, and more rain! However, by Wednesday, the weather started to clear and the weatherman was promising everything you might expect from a "resort" on the Carribean Sea! So, we rented ourselves a scooter with the intention of exploring our Island! We're (and by we, we mean Jo) pretty sure that we (again Jo) want a scooter for Christmas... Really! We loved it! Even though it is pretty scary sharing the roads with Honduran drivers who apparently have no rules other than honk at everything, pass everything, cut people off at every opportunity, and scare the shit out of unsuspecting tourist scooterers!

Although I framed the word "resort" with quotation marks, our room is pretty fantastic. It is not exactly the lap of luxury, but it has two beds, air conditioning that works really well (when there isn't a power failure, of which there have been three so far), cable TV, HOT showers, TOILET PAPER that is not sand-based, and a balcony overlooking the beach which is no more than 50 feet from our room.

About the beach... OH MY GOD! Seriously, it is freakin amazing (once you get used to being asked 85 times a day if you would like to have your hair braided or a body massage, or being offered bracelets and necklaces by the cutest little munchkins it breaks your heart to say No Gracias). We've spent the last two days basking on the beach and well, quite frankly, we are properly toasted.

Food was initially an issue for us - since this Island is on the cruise-ship circuit everything is quite expensive as the target market is the average, slightly obese, American tourist. After trying a few places with decent food at indecent prices, we discovered a pizzeria (thanks to our balcony mates from Quebec) that makes the most amazing pizza ever - it is a little off the beaten track, meaning that you have to walk about 2 kilometers up hill, down hill, and across mud using stepping stones, but well worth the trek. Turns out also, that the restaurant right next door to our hotel (which for some strange reason we never thought to check out) serves some pretty amazing quesidellas and burritos (although slightly explosive, wink, wink) and has el-cheapo prices.

Hasta la vista bitches!

Jo and Steph


  1. Glad to hear you guys are having fun. Explosive burritos....what kind of explosive are they using.....must be nice to be aways from everything and just relax....enjoy yourselves we are looking forward to hearing from your trip in person..... we love you guys......Pierre & Rina

  2. Steph, are you annoyed that Johanne is forcing you get scooters for xmas? I am.

    Also, did you ask those kids if they ate poop?

    Also, I made friends with a baby squrriel and Ray almost adopted him.

    Also, wheres bernini?

    - heather

  3. JOhanne are you annoyed that stephy is making fun of you for loving scooters??? Stephy let your mom love!!!

    did any of those kids tried to give you manicure or pedicure?

    did you guys have diarrhea at the same time...and there was no water??? grosss....


  4. Hi girls, great to hear from you two again, not forgeting us eskimos are you?
    I guess a four hour wait in an airport to be
    saved a 2h35m flight is a decsent exchange, n'est pas?
    Glad to hear that you finally had beach time, I know it was important to you.
    It seems to me that Central America is a long
    way to go for a pizza for two natives of a city know for it's pizza if I may be so bold as to say so.
    Having good food next door is great, being
    close to a WC with usable BW at volcano time
    might be even better.
    Please keep on having a good time, and keep
    on keeping us posted.

    Love you, miss you very much, think of you
    maybe two or three hundred times a day,

  5. Hey Ladner ladies!

    Renting a motorbike is a pretty bold/adventurous move for the newbie backpacker! Seriously, I can picture you two on a motorbike with crazy helmets on, zizaging down the road and yelling at local drivers who cut you off. haha!

    Anyways, keep the blogs coming. And I want a hear more than just how nice the beach is and how dark your tans are getting (can you sense the hint of jealousy?)

